33 yr male with pain abdomen

33 yr male came with chief complaints of 
- Epigastric pain since 5 yrs
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 yrs ago then he developed epigastric pain he went to local hospital 5 yrs ago where he was given medication and again after 4 years he presented with loin pain went to local hospital where he was diagnosed with renal calculi and now presented with epigastric pain since 1 month ,insidious in onset ,pricking type,non radiating, reduced after taking food, burning sensation after taking spicy food,relieved after medication.
-No fever , vomiting, burning micturition, diarrhoea 
Past history:
Not a known case of DM,HTN, Asthma, Epilepsy,CVA,CAD,TB
Present history:
Appetite -Nornal
Sleep -Adequate
Bowel and bladder habits -Regular
No addictions
General Examination:
Patient is conscious, coherent, co-operative
Well oriented to time, place and person
Moderately built and nourished 
- No pallor , icterus, cyanosis, clubbing,pedal oedema, lymphadenopathy
Systemic Examination:
Abdominal Examination:
-Shape of abdomen - slightly distended 
-Umbilicis - Central 
-All quadrants moving equally with respiration
- No scars,sinuses, engorged veins,dilated vessels 
- No local rise of temperature,no tenderness
- No organomegaly
-Bowel sounds heard 
CVS: S1S2 Present
RS: BAE Present,NVBS
Provisional Diagnosis:Non ulcer dyspepsia 

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